Rich Zwicker provided the following responses to my questions about his history and his plans. I think he has a great background, good ideas, and much to offer city government.
Rich: Four years ago I decided that I was interested in being more involved in Renton. Because of an open seat, I thought that running for council would be a start. As it turned out, I was right. While getting soundly trounced in the primary by current Council President Marcie Palmer, I got up, dusted myself off, and joined her campaign!! The contacts I made were invaluable and it allowed me to become active in my community and to join various boards and commissions to get more experience. Still having an interest in council, I was tempted by Denis’ and Toni’s open seats to run again. However, I wanted to focus my time on my service to the Renton Technical College, so I chose to participate in some of the campaigns instead of actually running.
Randy: What experiences prepared you for this role?
I think that North Renton faces most of the issues that Renton faces on a whole. Being an older neighborhood, it is getting a little rough around the edges and can use an influx of new development. It faces significant traffic issues because it is in between Downtown and The Landing and is used to get from the east Renton to the West Hill. It is being impacted by growth at The Landing and it faces an uncertain, but very optimistic, future. Like I said, a lot like the City as a whole.
Randy: What would you like to see go into the second phase of the Landing, on the remaining 21 acres?
Rich: Ideally, I would like to see the developers transition our neighborhood into The Landing. I have discussed this with representatives of Harvest Partners and they are intrigued by that idea. My fear is that we will be looking at the loading docks of a bunch of big-box stores, which would be a real shame for North Renton.
Randy: What other major priorities will you have, and how will you achieve them?
Randy: Where did you attend grade school, middle school, high school, and college/technical training?
Sartori, Highlands and Earlington (and we never moved–they just kept moving us!)
Randy: Do you have family in the area?
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