City staff have created a website just for keeping people notified of the Duvall Closure options and planning.
Click here to see this website.
Click here to see that latest options matrix, which provides a study of each option proposed by he public at the December 3rd meeting.
After thoroughly reviewing all options, including the option of using two one-way streets (sometimes called a one-way couplet), the Transportation Committee is still recommending an option very similar to that discussed at the December 3 hearing, but with even more mitigation. (The one-way streets don’t work for local circulation and they cause pass-through traffic to overwhelm Summerwind), and the working-only-on-certain-days-or-hours causes the impacts to stretch out to two years again.)
In terms of added mitigation, we are adding traffic counting before and after the closure to make sure our modeling is correct. And we are investigating speed bumps on Union….probably not required on the peak hours, when traffic is backed up, but may be very important on the off-peak hours when drivers have an open road. Also, we are looking at increased signage for Summerwind, to try to shut-out any pass-though traffic.
For business owners, we are going to post signs on Sunset directing drivers to impacted Renton Businesses, complete with business names and logos. This should give them some good exposure on highway 900, to hopefully off-set some of the impact of the Duvall closure.
The website linked above has more info, and we will give the public a complete report at tonight’s meeting.
I can’t say how much it means to this resident to have a Council that is so willing to listen to citizen comments and to explore and examine each one carefully. This is citizen government in action and at its best, which is refreshing after the ugliness of the past few months. Thank you for all your hard work.
(But I still like the starting in June idea!) 🙂