Scheduled for Demolition: A few years ago I would have been confident that all or part of Renton’s WWII air traffic control cab would be saved from the wrecking ball by Renton historians. But now that the City has severed ties with the Historical Society and emptied the Renton Historical Museum, it’s not clear who is watching out for Renton’s history.
A few months ago the City of Renton ended a 54-year relationship with the Renton Historical Society, kicking their priceless collection of artifacts and photographs out of the Renton Historical Museum. The Renton Historical Museum now sits empty and closed to the public, while the Renton Historical Society is actively searching for a new permanent location for their large collection, to replace the historic fire station they they helped run and maintain for 54 years. The Historical Society was taken by surprise by this move, and the city’s reasoning for the separation has not been clear.
Now while the Historical Society is distracted with this chore, the City of Renton has chosen this time to move forward on tearing down Renton’s 80-year-old historic air traffic control tower.
The “Old Tower Building” was built in 1943, and provided air traffic control when Renton was building up to one hundred and sixty B-29 superfortresses per month during WWII. Later, the building served as the Engineering Liaison office for Boeing’s flight line. The building’s air traffic control function was replaced by a new tower on the west side of the airport in 1961, which is still in use today.

This demolition plan was submitted for City permit approval last week. The plan was submitted by an engineering firm hired by the Renton Airport management. The tower building is number 295, the top one of the three cross-hatched buildings in the above drawing.

The view from Renton’s historic old control tower, looking over the Boeing flight line today. The black and white photo shows the view when Renton was producing 160 B-29 Superfortresses each month during WWII.

This historic building was used by the Landing Gear Works until late last year
In addition to the historic tower, other hangars on the airport are being torn down as well. Given the congestion at Boeing Field, I’m surprised these hangers are being torn down before Renton has approved plans for their replacements.

Some of the T-Hangars have been used to protect airport maintenance equipment, although they would be in high demand if the city was not using them. Instead they will be torn down.
Why in the world were they housing airport maintenance equipment in much needed hangar space? At the Kennydale Neighborhood Association meeting, the mayor told the group that the city is in “great financial shape.” Maybe some of the money should have been used on simple maintenance of airport structures and building a proper garage.
What’s going to happen to the land? Is it going to be used for private jets?
This could likely be new jet hangars. At this point I don’t feel the city has a solid plan that is in keeping with the Airport Sustainability Management Plan. They have an airport layout plan that shows conceptual new hangars, but at this point I don’t believe they have earmarked any city money or acquired any FAA money to build them. The Airport has barely been maintaining their currently owned buildings, so I’m not sure they are planning to do the building as a public project. (If they did, they would build hangars and offices, and lease them out).
The Airport Management could write a request for proposals (RFP) for someone to build privately, but they would then have to tie up the property for 30-40 years, and Lately the people with the money to build seem to be private jet owners. That’s a fast way to get new private jets at the airport, which is not what our Airport Sustainability Management Plan prescribes. Still, Airport Management seems to be encouraging private jets (which make the airport less useful to Renton residents).
I’ve included the 2022 airport layout plan, a discussion of possible buildings, and the process that is supposed to be followed in the second half of my blog about “the Landing Gear Works” here: https://www.randycorman.com/?p=18997