My Mother as a graduate student in college, around 1957.
My loving Mom, a beautiful artist, teacher and Master of history who nurtured four of us Corman kids in a home overflowing with joy and laughter, is nearing the end of her battle with Alzheimer’s.
I’ve been having dreams about Mom lately; in the latest one she was standing at an easel painting while I was on the floor building with blocks and Lincoln logs. This was a pretty common scene in our home in Livermore California in the 1960s.
My family and I are not ready to say goodbye to Mom, but we know we will have to soon. She has been having difficulty eating and drinking. Please keep us in your prayers.
Here is a little more information about my Mom and Dad. (Dad passed 15 years ago).
Great photo Randy – very sorry to hear about her struggle.
Hang in there,
My prayers are with you and your family. Love is eternal and knows no earthly bounds. Your mother will always be with you.