Breaking news update! Please see my previous blog entry for background.
The State House just passed the Police Pursuit Initiative 77-20, which will restore police pursuit policy generally back to pre-pandemic levels in 90 days. This will be a big step forward in preventing reckless driving, car thefts, burglaries, and other crimes.
Renton’s two 11th district House Representatives Bergquist and Hackney voted YES on this initiative, splitting with their 11th district Senatorial Colleague Bob Hasegawa who voted NO.
I appreciate Rep. Bergquist’s and Rep. Hackney’s support of this important safety measure.
State Democrats can read the room, and they were scared of having to run on this. Now to purge the local electeds who still support this nonsense.
I’m really disappointed the conservatives passed the “parental rights” bill. Our children need to be able to open up and discover their sexual and gender preferences in a safe place with trusted teachers. Away from the prying eyes if care givers who often far too traditional. There’s so much for the kiddos to explore today. They shouldn’t be held back by legislation that doesn’t respect their individual rights.
You best be using full disk encryption
You do realize Democrats passed the bill? Right?
Because they also understand that teachers shouldn’t be keeping secrets from parents.
I’ve spoken out about this at the city council meeting and they didn’t even address it. We need to protect our children’s safe spaces with their teachers so they can have room to explore and grow. Away from judgment and hate.
I bet you spend a lot of time trying to get people to say MAP.
Police pursuits, especially under circumstances influenced by racial biases, should never be the go-to action. Often, the decision to engage in a chase is steeped in systemic racism, targeting minorities disproportionately. This practice not only endangers the lives of the pursued but also risks the safety of the entire community
How about you go look at the horrible car fatality statistics in the last two years, and then tells us how no persuit worked out.
Life is pretty easy when daddy gives you a house, eh. Go live in the real world where people have to earn their daily bread and get back to us.
Ok, lil’ Chonky.
Hi SummerBoi!
Did you notice that trust-fund “Professor” Carmen Rivera was pissed about this and thinks criminals are more important than you and your family?
We should value working class people over the activist class and remove her from office this upcoming election.
Chúng ta cần giải phóng tài nguyên khỏi quyền kiểm soát của lực lượng cảnh sát, bảo vệ quần chúng vô tội khỏi sự áp bức. Hãy ủng hộ lực lượng tiến bộ, bác bỏ chủ nghĩa bảo thủ, vun đắp tương lai rạng ngời cho đất nước.
Take your revolutionary bull somewhere else. Giải phóng ngân sách? Ý tưởng từ tháp ngà vô liêm sỉ.
Vietnamese are awesome. How did Renton manage to elect the worst one?
We have no local press. You’d think inflecting Seattle homeless on us, supporting defunding the police, and protecting puppy mills of all things would get you unelected.
But the voters don’t know that.
Four people died in Renton died just yesterday because people understand that the police can’t chase speeders.
Criminal charges are “pending” until they get dropped for “reasons.”
He is looking at hard time in the penitentiary. At least 25 minutes.
He deserves every moment of those 30 community service hours.
All you conservatives are trying to make something out of this. In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing as compared to the carceral system that is ruining a generation of POC and Black lives. Abolish and defund the police!
In response to Anonymous above– Tuesday’s horrendous fatal collision which took the lives of three precious children and a loving Mom, and put two other beloved children on critical life support, has left my family grieving. All of those killed and injured in the van were participants in the HOME program, a program my five children all attended and my grandchildren currently attend. The program has about 130 students from about 80 households, so the students all know each other. Since they are homeschooling families, the parents know each other as well. For those not familiar with the HOME program, I covered this program at the start of this school year at this link here.
The Sheriff’s office is investigating the accident, and they’ve released very little information about the driver that preliminarily appears to have caused the accident. That driver, who is 18 years old, and was reported to be speeding, is also in critical care at the hospital right now. We’ll have to wait until the Sheriff’s office releases more information before we can really know what led to this horrible collision.
If it is determined that this was another case of a reckless driver speeding without fear of consequence because he knew he could not be pursued by police, then those that helped create this dangerous situation should be held accountable for their contributions to this deadly collision.
Sorry Randy. The victims were precious people. Our government has failed them, and we have failed to elect good people to our government.
It’s time we kick out the activists in the Renton City Council who parrot far-left nonsense.
From turning Renton into Seattle’s homeless dumping ground, hampering our police to invite crime, and trying to stuff the Renton budget with handouts for their activist buddies, we have three council members we need to get rid of.
We need people to represent the working class, not the activist class.