With today’s election returns I am now 1430 votes behind Kim-Khanh Van, and I anticipate there are just a few thousand more votes outstanding. I would need nearly all of them to win, and I’ve been getting less than half, so at this point I feel my 2023 Position 7 campaign has come to an end.
I congratulate Kim-Khanh Van on her win, and wish her success in helping make our city the best it can be.
Thanks to all of you who supported me in so many ways. I am extremely grateful to the many dedicated volunteers that worked with me throughout this campaign, and for the generous donors that covered the costs of our materials, postage, and other expenses. There are too many individuals that helped to list them all here, and I don’t want to leave anyone out, so for tonight I want to collectively express my deep appreciation for all of you. You made this campaign possible, and helped bring important issues to the forefront.
And of course thanks to the amazing and caring residents of Renton, who voted for me by the thousands, and have trusted me to help lead their city in so many ways through the years.
Finally, I want to thank all the other candidates who ran for Renton office this election season. Whether you won or lost your particular contest, you helped give Renton voters the choices they deserve and demonstrated your deep affection for our city. There are many key leadership roles people perform in our community outside of elected office. Now that the whirlwind of election season is over, I look forward to all of us pulling together as Team-Renton, and lifting up our city to new heights.
Kind of sad how Kim was able to keep her bad legislation and her rumor-mongering hidden. She’s started two false rumors that I know of.