After many years of discussing the pros and cons of a dog park, we finally have a proposal with real teeth 🙂
I like the work the Dog Park Task Force has done so far, and I will personally be advocating for a way to find the funds as soon as we can. I think dog license fees, which we have kept to the lowest levels in King County (ten bucks a year for spayed/neutered animals, twenty bucks for unaltered), could sustain a small increase to pay for the park. I also think the dog park would be a great way to help enforce the liscensing requirements; we should post the requirement that all dogs must be licensed to enter the park, along with information on how to obtain a license. That step might also help with revenue, since we still have non-compliant dogs out there.
Here is a Renton Reporter article about the work done so far on the dog park proposal. Click Here
My hat is off to the Dog Park Task Force, the Parks Commission, the city staff, and the Mayor, who have progressed this proposal to the council approval/funding stage. Thank you all.
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