As soon as the weather warms up, the state DOT will be painting some new stripes on I-167 from Auburn to Renton. Then, motorists driving alone will be able to buy their way into the car pool lane in a pilot program to test the new concept.
I’ll be interested in getting feedback on how this system works out.
I’ll use it, but wont like it.
I’m not a fan of government giving services just because you have a bit more money – all citizens should be treated equal under the law.
I *don’t* get a bunch of government services because I work for a living – I’d don’t get any free government cheese, housing, medicine, collage. That’s wrong too.
I will use the new lanes, but they are a small reminder that country is going into the wrong direction – the bureaucracy of building roads, then denying people use of those road, and then letting people buy access to the road they just paid for is staggering.
We pay enough in taxes already. With the amount we pay, all lanes should be open to everyone because we pay for them. The reason traffic on the interstates is so bad is because all the semis are in the right lane, not moving because they always get cut off by cars. They deliver goods to all of us. When they sit in traffic, they burn fuel which are costs that are passed on to the consumers. They’re also 68 ft long and take up a lot of space. Let them use the left lane to get to their destinations. Traffic could be much better. The carpool lane is a perfect example of another liberal failure. It doesn’t matter what liberals try to do to get people into mass transit, it’s not going to work. If traffic moves, less fuel is used which means less demand and prices will go down. Boot the libs out of office and give some conservatives a shot at it!!!!
Diesel fuel is 4.29 a gallon. Semi trucks get 4-6 miles per gallon rolling at 50mph. Do the math folks and you’ll see why things are going up in price.
Oh my gosh! I have been swerved into by too many semi-trucks on I-90 to even agree that they should be on the road!!! They are a menace and a killer. And true, they DO slow down traffic and burn too much gas. We should give trains a try for hauling goods long distances! AND what’s wrong with carpooling!?!?!??!? I think it is the best way to get from point A to point B – half the gas, and one person gets to be productive (the driver should NOT be putting on makeup, talking on the phone, doing paperwork, etc.) Why do you say mass transit won’t work? I was just in San Francisco – if we had a system like BART, I would use it!
Ya, San Francisco is a fine example of a great American city-not!! That is about the best example of failed liberal policies in the country. Look at the homeless, crime, and the fact they don’t want our military any where near them. I say fence them off, cut any federal support, and see what happens. And where in the heck did you get the idea that semis are a menace and a killer? That’s a little whacko isn’t it? And by the way, we use trains for hauling goods, it’s the trucks that distribute goods to individual businesses. I’d like to see you pull a train into your local business like Taco Time, McClendons, city hall, etc.
I don’t think that trucks going from central Washington on I-90 to Seattle are “distributing to individual businesses”! I’ve driven over the mountains on I-90 many times, and the reason I say semis are a menaces to cars are because they have tried to CHANGE LANES INTO MY CAR without looking where they are going. My car would have been smashed to little bits if I didn’t swerve into the other lane. This has happened many times – They are bent on speeding because they get paid by the mile, they tailgate even when it’s ICY on the pass, and the drivers need more sleep. Studies have shown that driving tired is as bad as driving drunk – I wouldn’t want a drunk truck driver on the road!
Here is a clue. When you see their blinker, let them change lanes. It’s easier for you to get around them. They don’t speed because they are enforced by state patrol. WSP checks their travel logs and they can’t get away with breaking the law often. I would love to put a camera in your car to see how much attention you don’t pay. I think you would be surprised at your own behavior.
Stop the personal attacks
Here’s a “clue”, for someone who obviously doesn’t have one. Plenty of trucks are keeping double books, driving longer than what’s legal, using illegal drugs to stay awake, and sometimes those trucks ARE being driven dangerously.
Disneygirl is consistently one of the most intelligent posters on this blog; if anyone has a clue, she does. Rail has been studied extensively, and usually is the cheapest, most environment-friendly way to transport humans or freight.
You have no idea how she drives, and it is ridiculous to make those kind of accusations.
Re: Stop the personal attacks
Thank you :). Yes, I was going to mention that picking on the way I drive (which you have no clue about) is a pretty low blow. I’m not going to call you names, or say you’re a horrible driver. (Unless, perhaps, you are a truck driver, in which case I inadvertently DID insult your driving). And no, they don’t use their blinkers.
I think the nature of the argument has drifted to much into personal attacks, and you will not see me posting on this particular topic again.
The reality of transport
Transporting goods might be more efficient via rail and intermodal, but there is a reason truckload and less than truckloads are being utilized. American manufacturing and distribution businesses, have in response to global competition, have adopted “just in time” process for inventory management. Basically, to keep overall supply chain cost down, they must keep inventories down to the barest minimum. At the same time, service levels (on time delivery) are so critical. One day missing a shipment could mean a plant down situation, cost thousands of dollars a day, or missed sales opportunities. Nimble transportation is required, which is the allure of trucks. They can get cross country in 3 to 5 days, while rail, and inter modal shipments could be up to 2 weeks, maybe more. As consumers demand lower prices, and available products, rail, for a lot of “just in time” companies simply is not practical.
Re: The reality of transport
Just one more note, as unfair as it is to pick on Disney Girl for driving, just as equal is it to lump all long haul drivers into one category. Sure, there are violators of the law, but the vast majority of the drivers, are professional, and endure a very hard job, gone 4 to 5 nights a week away from home, and are incredibly conscience about safety, all while serving a critical role serving our economy, and making are standard of living possible. Traffic problems are there, but let’s not scapegoat a group of folks, there are many culprits!
Re: Stop the personal attacks
Lighten up on being so sensitive
Re: Stop the personal attacks
If you think semi-trucks are poorly driven now, wait for the huge influx of Mexican trucks that are about to swamp our roads.
Generally – their trucks are poorly maintained (think breaks) and their driver standards are not up to our standards.
To defend our truckers, they have a much smaller rate of accidents per mile that typical drivers… Stay out of their blind spots! Pass them quickly – there’s a huge blind spot just behind the cab on both sides of the truck – it’s a bad place to be as well because you usually can’t see their turn signals unless you’re really looking carefully at the front turn signal.
More lanes
It’s time the Gov stops farting around and finds real solutions to our traffic problems. I don’t use 167 that much but when I do it is crowded. This plan has the same number of vehicles in the same space. The HOV lane is not drastically less congested. I am not a traffic engineer but that doesn’t seem like a fix. It might be time to implement some of the auditor’s recommendations and add some more lanes.
More lanes
It’s time the Gov stops farting around and finds real solutions to our traffic problems. I don’t use 167 that much but when I do it is crowded. This plan has the same number of vehicles in the same space. The HOV lane is not drastically less congested. I am not a traffic engineer but that doesn’t seem like a fix. It might be time to implement some of the auditor’s recommendations and add some more lanes.
Mark Martinez
P.S. Auditors are cool.
Librul Conspiracy
Poor trolls, clinging to their guns and religion while they bitterly watch the elitists whizzing by in the HOV lane with their free cheese.
Re: Librul Conspiracy
Nice…well done. I almost cried.
I’ll have one of the servants hunt you down. Don’t worry about me – Jesus will forgive me.