Renton’s Wizards of the Coast is putting it’s next version of Dungeons and Dragons online, to try again to compete with the hugely popular and lucrative “World of Warcraft.”
With this move, perhaps Renton will have a home team in the top ranks of MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game), which is a multi-billion dollar industry. It sounds like the Wizards online approach will be distinct from World of Warcraft, in that it will be using a facimile of a gameboard. It will be interesting to see how it works out, and whether it generate renewed interest in D&D (which seems to be coming back already).
I have noticed a resurgent interest in the game Scrabble, as a new generation of players is introduced to the game on social-networking site Facebook. Maybe it will work for Wizzards of the Coast as well.
Perhaps those of you with computing degrees should be contacting Wizards of the Coast in the coming weeks?
If you guys want to support Wizards, you should play “The Eye of Judgement” on the Playstation 3. It is one of the coolest ideas in videogames right no, and rather addictive too. It takes the 2D card game and makes it come to 3D life on your TV. It’s the closest we will get until someone creates holographic technology…
those are some ugly creatures and I don’t think by looking at them that I really feel drawn to the game. Hope everyone has fun
online is better for us instant gratification types
As a twerpy, nerdy kid in school at McKnight in the early 1980s, I went to a few drop-in D&D after-school club meetings (unofficial, non-sanctioned… this was the era of Judas Priest, Ozzy, and D&D all being blamed for contributing to the decline of western civilization after all).
After spending what seemed like an eternity forming a character for the game, rolling dice to determine strength, agility, etc., it took the “Dungeon Master” (for those who don’t D&D, the DM is like a referee and story/quest guide) about 10 minutes of game play before my half-human, half-dwarf was slain by a creature lurking in the mist at the mouth of a cave.
Lesson learned: stay on the good side of the Dungeon Master… bring him/her Twinkies or their favorite snack to stay in their good graces.