The Renton Reporter posted an article today about the new Lake to Sound trail that is a central part of our city’s Bikes and Trails Master Plan. The Lake to Sound trail proposal is getting a lot of traction, thanks in large part to County Councilwoman Julia Patterson and County Executive Ron Sims, and the support of several south King County cities. The trail would go through five cities and two transit centers, and is largely in place except for a critical missing link in Renton.
Yesterday I participated in a press conference to share with the media about county/city plans to design and build this missing link with County Open Space money.
In my opinion the best parts is it contacts the Cedar and Green trails. Also the fact that it will contact the Cedar Trail with the Tukwila train station, where there is something like 20 bike lockers so I can ride my bike, lock it up and catch the train to Seattle. Not as good as coming straight out of Renton but at least I can get to Seattle with a little comfort of mind. The only improvement I could see over that is that Metro put in bike lockers at its park and rips.
Bike trail
Is the Green River trail the same as the Interuban Trail? From the Cedar River trail I take Grady to get to the Interurban (Green River?) trail to get to work and it is dangerous. I’ve been hit once and have been almost hit more times than I can remember.
Re: Bike trail
Yes and NO.
The Green River Trail starts at Fort Dent, goes near Southcenter and follows the Green River till it joins and ends at the Interurban Trail near the golf course in Kent.
The Interurban starts at Fort Dent and goes south along West Valley RD, goes straight through Kent meets up with the Green River Trail and continues south past Auburn.
Going south through Kent the IR crosses a lot of busy streets.
I have never ridden south of Kent so I don’t know what the IR is like past Kent.
I wonder if there are plans on paving the Cedar River Trail beyond Maple Valley.