This is really exciting for trail and bicycle enthusiasts. There is a fair chance of getting funding soon for a trail connection from Cedar River to Green River Trails. I wrote about this desired trail in this earlier blog, and it appears we might have a shot at getting money much sooner than I anticipated. Even though money is scarce, there is money earmarked from voter approved bonds for Open Space which could provide hundreds of thousands of dollars for this connection!
I am attending a press conference on this topic on December 9 to help push this along. the even will be down by the library.
Here is an email I received with some additional background.
** High Priority **
Just a reminder for you to put this on your calendar.
>>> April Alexander 12/01/2008 2:53 PM >>>
below is the info regarding the 12/9 event; also attached is an email from Bette Anderson regarding the location–downtown library….once we decide on someone, let me know and I’ll contact Josh Johnston in Julia Patterson’s office…thanks, april
>>> Gregg Zimmerman 11/21/2008 2:33 PM >>>
We briefly discussed this topic yesterday at our one-on-one meeting. Julia Patterson’s office is working to put together a funding package for connecting regional trails in South King County, and is soliciting South County Mayors to sign a letter of support for these projects, and also their participation in a press conference scheduled to happen December 9, 11:45 AM (downtown library). One of the key projects being discussed is the Two Rivers Trail linking the Green River and the Cedar River trail systems.
There is discussion about King County and the South County cities putting together a federal SAFETYLU grant application to pay for this program. In addition, we have been told that King County has budgeted funding for this program in the Executive’s budget.
You expressed concern to me about priorities of government, and the concern that funding would be set aside for trails at a time when funding for essential services such as police and courts is being reduced. You asked that I obtain more information about the source of the King County funding.
I called Julia’s assistant Joshua Johnston (206-296-0345) to get more information about this funding, and where it is coming from. This is what I learned:
The Executive’s budget has $705,754 in 2009, $785,000 is recommended for 2010, and I believe he said $750,000 per year for the next three years for this program. The money is from an Open Space Trail and Parks levy at 3.5-cents per $1,000 property valuation, and can only be spent on parks and open spaces.
Joshua emphasized that this funding is not money that could be used for critical services, only for parks and open spaces. He said that Julia’s intentions are to use this funding for regional trail connections in South King County which is currently very much underserved in this area, rather than letting it be spent in other parts of the County that already have better parks and trail systems.
Julia remains interested in the South County Mayors signing the draft letter of support and participating in the press conference on Dec. 9.
Peter and Jim, in my absence next week, please provide the Mayor with information on this upcoming issue.
That would be nice to be able to ride from one trail to the other feeling semi safe.
This would be fantastic! I love the Cedar River Trail that goes out toward Maple Valley, and often wish we had more connecting trails. The Camino, in Spain, provides fabulous routes for travel via foot, bike, and horse across a large section of the country, and is quite an attraction for people from around the world that end up pumping in $ in the local economies of small little towns. I hiked 170 miles of it in 10 days in 2007, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.
More bike trails please!
Recreational bikers and petty criminals are like oil and water – they just don’t mix and for some strange reason.
Kinda like hobos and construction workers: