Renton voters approved a new Renton High School at a new location, with this concept drawing illustrating the school potentially at the former headquarters of Wizards of the Coast on Lind Ave. Some of the office buildings are repurposed in this rendering. This was estimated to cost $441 Million. The School Board is instead implementing a rejected (not voter-approved) concept of a new school at the current high school site, for a cost of $568 million plus rapidly escalating land acquisition and other costs.
Following the Uvalde Texas School Shooting in May 2022, Renton School District prepared a School Bond Proposition to pay for prudent safety and security upgrades, to protect our children. $182 million would be spent district-wide on entry point access controls, security systems, and video cameras, along with earthquake improvements and overdue heating and ventilating system replacements. The District also felt it was time to make a major upgrade to Renton High School, and they proposed relocating it as the cost-effective option that also preserved the historic Renton High buildings for other purposes. 64% of Renton voters ultimately approved this measure, including me and my extended family.
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