New active waterfront at Southport replaces the shuttered Shuffleton power plant thanks to long-term planning, rezoning, and follow through
As we approach primary election day I’ve been meeting with residents on their porches and in coffee houses. When they ask what distinguishes me in this race, I say city hall experience on top of my professional engineering and management background.
Hi Randy, thanks for your current and past service to the City of Renton. one quick question about your platform, what do you think about the concept of “responsible growth”? I feel that this concept is key in my decision making for election choices, since I am feeling the economic and financial pinch of soon not being able to afford living in Renton, higher prices everywhere and more congestion and busy. Uncontrolled growth is no good. If you can address this and with a few specifics on tactics. I really like many of your positions because you do go into more details of the tactics, vs. just the main message points. Thanks