Daily archives for August 2nd, 2006
We don’t need to make single family and quality duplexes non-conforming…
You may be able to get help fixing up your home!
If you are having financial difficulty keeping your home fixed up, or you know of a neighbor that is having such difficulty, be sure to inquire about the program described in the flyer below. This program will make repairs free of charge under the circumstances described in the flyer, and it applies throughout the City of Renton.
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Tonight’s Planning Commission Meeting on Renton Highlands
For those of you citizens that have inquired, yesterday I requested clarification on tonight’s Planning Commission meeting agenda. The information I recieved is provided in the email below.
In addition, the city Planning department shows the following dates on their schedule.
Sept 7, Sept 21 Planning and Development Committee (P&DC) briefing
Oct 4 CPA and Highlands Committee Report to Julia for P&DC
Oct 5 P&DC Action CPAs
Oct 6 Highlands Committee Report for COW to Julia
Oct 7 Highlands COW– don’t know if this will still be needed
(Note: For clarification, The Planning Commision is an appointed body which makes land use recommendations to city council, and the Planning and Development Committee is a working subcomittee of Renton City Council…current members are Terry Briere, Dan Clawson, and Marci Palmer.)
From: Rebecca Lind [mailto:RHlind@ci.renton.wa.us]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:41 AM
To: Corman, Randy; Julia Medzegian; Judith Subia
Cc: Alexander Pietsch
Subject: Re: Hi Julia! Would you please cooridinate with PlanningCommision to respond to this concern…
The meeting at the Planning Commission is a first briefing on map amendments adding the area north of 16th into the Center Village, and taking the area south and west of SR900 out of the Center Village, and change an area south from Medium Density residential to Single family. There are also a small number of text amendments in the Center Village text language. We will explain the proposed map amendments and the proposed text amendments and take questions from the Commission. There will be no action, and no recommendation. The Commissioners just got this information and will be hearing the briefing for the first time. This issue was included in the original referral of Comp Plan Amendments as a Highland Comp Plan item. This briefing has been on the schedule for many months. It is not a public hearing. The hearing will occur on September 20th I will call Inez and try to explain this to her.
>>> Judith Subia 08/01/06 11:22 AM >>>
Good Morning,
Rebecca will call Inez today.
>>> “Corman, Randy” <randy.corman@boeing.com> 08/01/06 11:13 AM >>>
Perhaps a Planning Commision representative could email Inez (and anyone else with the same concern) with a clarification of their plans for the Aug 2 meeting and their follow-on process steps.
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