This blog post looks a little like a picture book, but is actually an important and easy-to-understand scientific description of where our drinking water comes from.
Renton’s newish Public Works Director, Martin Pastucha, is in over his head when it comes to understanding Renton’s aquifer. The aquifer was extensively studied in 1987, five years prior to my 28-year service on Renton Council, and then again in 2020 (when I was Council President pro-tem), in a 400-page study that built on the 1987 work.
Both of these studies confirm that much of our drinking water comes from many miles up the Cedar River Valley, and that this water can travel half a mile per day in an underground river.
Instead of accepting this reality, Mr. Pastucha has engaged in trying to convince our Mayor, our Council, and the public that it would be impossible for water in our aquifer to travel as far as three miles underground, and therefore asserts that the proposed asphalt plant could never affect our wells.
To help Mr. Pastucha understand our aquifer better, and for all those interested in where our water comes from, I’ve prepared a simple high-level overview using scientific sources.
A fun and easy lesson about where Renton’s water comes from:
First, we need to know that the water in the Cedar River unfortunately contains street and agriculture runoff in Renton. It is not drinkable, and we work to keep it’s clay bed from being punctured so that it does not spill into the deep aquifer. For instance, we’ve ensured pilings for I-405 are not driven through the river bottom and into the aquifer. We work hard to keep it clean enough for wildlife, but not for human consumption.
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