You pay taxes for city representation, and your elected officials need to be focused on your needs. You have hired them to fulfill your agenda, not some third-party’s agenda in Seattle or elsewhere. You are their boss, and your needs are important.
So how do you remind your officials what your needs are, and make sure your officials remain focused on them during the four years between elections?
You speak to the Council and Mayor, send letters and emails to the Council and Mayor, phone the Council and Mayor, contact the media, and stage rallies and protests if necessary.
And you don’t do it just once. You do it as many times as it takes to get your message across. Summon the same conviction you would if you paid someone to fix your car, and they took your money but didn’t fix your car.
Speak to the Council and Mayor:
Speaking at a Council meeting is the best way to ensure that the Council and Mayor get your message without interference or miscommunication. Renton Council Meetings are generally held the first four Mondays of every month, and each regular meeting typically has an audience comment section near the beginning of the meeting. You need to sign up to speak in advance of the meeting.
You can find out when the next meeting is, and follow the links to sign up, by clicking the Council Webpage here.
You’ll typically only be given three minutes to speak to the Council, so it’s a good idea to have your comments prepared and possibly even written out in advance.
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